Fremont Downtown Development Group
A component fund of the Fremont Area Community Foundation.
Vision Statement
A crossroads of midwestern charm and modern innovation, Historic Downtown Fremont is the heartbeat of a diverse community where arts, shopping, culture, and unique businesses draw people day and night.
Mission Statement
Fremont Downtown Development Group’s mission is to lead community investment and drive the social, cultural and economic engine of an authentic Fremont by creating and promoting a vibrant, innovative and sustainable downtown.
Board of Directors
Fremont Downtown Development Group (FDDG), a non-profit organization, and was created for the purpose of promoting historic preservation and combating community deterioration. FDDG is managed by a 23-member Board of Directors comprised of downtown business owners, property owners, non-profit leaders, Fremont residents, and city and county representatives, all of whom have a passion for revitalizing the heart of the city. They provide leadership in downtown development by delivering vision, human capital, and managing financial resources.
Want to Get Involved?
Simply send us a message to let us know, along with a little bit about yourself and your area of interest.